Fire claims main sanctuary of Prairie Creek Baptist Church
5 Dec 2013The loss of the Prairie Creek Baptist Church to fire represents another lost connection to the Thompson family’s past. The lady in this photo is Beulah Ellen Thompson, wife of James Washington Thompson, and daughter of Zadock and Margaret (Johnson) Hunt of Fairbanks Township. Beulah was born in 1816 in what is now part of Greensboro,NC. The Hunts were among “Carolina Quaker” families who migrated in 1820 from Guilford County, North Carolina to Indiana.
James and Beulah Thompson, who married in 1835, are listed on the “1851 roll call” members of the Prairie Creek Church. James W Thompson is buried in the cemetery behind the old church, along with six of their thirteen children, all victims of a smallpox epidemic in 1864 during the Civil War. Beulah lived to see 89 years and is buried at Little Flock. This photo was taken about 1894 at her son Edmond Thompson’s farmhouse when she would have been about 78.
Location: Latitude 39.27617, Longitude -87.49764